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酒廠名稱:Domaine Jean Jaques Confuron


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A tiny 7 hectare property which , together with the low demand, has unfortunately limited production.   

It is for this reason that the owner, Alain Meunier, has recently set up a buisness office.
The wines of the domaine, with a low yield, should be kept for several years,     
especially the Romanee-Saint-Vivant, a sumptuouslu full-bodied wine enriched with an elegant woody note.
葡萄園總共 7 公頃,莊主 Alain Meunier 及 Sophie 夫婦對於葡萄的養成管理極為嚴格。
他們認為葡萄酒要的是吸取大地精華而不是人為的木桶味,所以 1991 年開始全面實行有機栽培及單位減產工作, 把法律原定平均收成量每公頃 3300 公升降為約 2900 公升,葡萄發酵期延長   近 20 天,跟平均值 14 天比起來整整多了一週。Confuron 家的酒果香味非常濃郁、甘醇。有著一種凝縮感且架構扎實的口感。

葡萄藤平均歲數近 80 年!算是老藤中的老藤精,數量非常稀少,直得細細品味

